o MeU eU e Os OuTrOs EuS (eL mEu Jo I eLs AlTrEs JoS)

março 31, 2006


Por certo conhecem ou já ouviram falar do planeta do sistema solar ou do fiel amigo de Mickey...O fim de tarde de ontem foi dedicado a Pluto, terá sido em honra ao planeta ou à personagem da Disney?

Pluto & Charon:

This view of Pluto was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. It shows a rare image of tiny Pluto with its moon Charon, which is slightly smaller than the planet. Because Pluto has not yet been visited by any spacecraft, it remains a mysterious planet. Due to its great distance from the sun, Pluto's surface is believed to reach temperatures as low as -240°C (-400°F). From Pluto's surface, the Sun appears as only a very bright star. (Courtesy NASA)

Mickey's faithful pet dog Pluto starred in 48 of his own cartoons, but also appeared along with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck in many of their cartoons. Pluto was created as an actual dog character, with no speaking voice, as opposed to Goofy, who was created as a human character. The dog who would eventually evolve into Pluto made his debut as a bloodhound in the Mickey Mouse cartoon "The Chain Gang" in 1930. Later that year he appeared as Minnie Mouse's dog, Rover, in "The Picnic," and the following year finally became Mickey's dog Pluto in "The Moose Hunt." Favorite sayings: "Grrr ..." "Snort!" "Sniff, sniff, sniff ..." "Bark! Bark!"- in http://disney.go.com/home/today/index.html


Terá sido antes em honra da Divindade?

"Pluto is an alternate name for the Greek god Hades, but was more often used in Roman mythology in their presentation of the god of the underworld. He abducted Proserpina (Gr. Persephone), and her mother Ceres (Gr. Demeter) caused winter in her grief. He kidnapped Persephone so he could marry her. In later times he was largely seen as synonymous with the Greek god of the underworld Hades. Although often envisioned today as evil (due to the fact of his similarities to the Christian demon Satan), the Romans did not view him as such.
Pluto was originally not the god of the underworld. Pluto is cognate with the Greek word "Ploutos" (wealth), and was considered by the Romans as the giver of gold, silver, and other subterranean substances. Because these "gifts" were mined, Pluto became recognized as the god of the physical underworld, which in turn helped him become recognized as the god of the spiritual underworld and thus death. This brought about his mythological relationship to the Greek god Hades. Because the mythology of the gods is more known than the actual religious roles of the gods, Pluto is identified as the counterpart to the Greek Hades (which is only wholly true in Mythology). "- From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


"Abandonado em bebé à porta de uma igreja na Irlanda, Patrick "Kitten" Braden (Cillian Murphy) foi obrigado desde cedo a sobreviver a uma realidade hostil. Conseguiu-o sobretudo graças ao seu encanto e à recusa em deixar alguém alterar a sua maneira de ser: um jovem desenquadrado do mundo que o rodeia e, principalmente, do seu corpo, o que o torna muito mais que um homossexual ou um travesti. Kitten não desiste de procurar o amor e a verdadeira mãe, enquanto que, perdido, se vai envolvendo nos meandros da música, do ilusionismo, da prostituição e até do IRA. Escrito e realizado por Neil Jordan, o filme adapta o romance de Pat McCabe. - PUBLICO.PT

Sim, o meu fim.de.tarde foi passado na companhia da nova obra de arte de Neil Jordan: "Breakfast on Pluto"!!!

Um argumento genial e um elenco escolhido a dedo: Cillian Murphy, Liam Neeson, Stephen Rea. A salientar a excelente banda sonora que de braço dado a um irrepreensível guarda-roupa, transporta-nos para a mágica e problemática Irlanda e Londres dos 70's. Todas as palavras são poucas para descrever a expereiência que tive durante os 135 m que estivemos na sala de cinema, mas não posso deixar de agradecer a sugestão de última hora da mais recente amante da China: Grazie...

Não percam, deixo-vos saudações de Plutão :-)